Make it a priority to be better organized when you're shopping for groceries. Create a meal plan for the week, take inventory of what you already have in your refrigerator, and prepare a shopping list prior to your journey. That means jotting down items on a piece of paper or on your phone. Resist buying items not on your list and be familiar with your budget.
Pro Tip #1: Eat Prior - Shopping for food on a full stomach (after a meal or a quick snack… Youtopia Snacks anyone? :)). Browsing the market with your stomach rather than your eyes is a recipe for disaster on your budget…not to mention a risk for that belt-line! Avoid trying any free samples the store offers. We know, it’s tempting.
Pro Tip #2: Download Apps - Many food stores have apps available for download and the power is yours ALL YOURS. It’s true! With these apps, virtual coupons can be clipped ahead of time (saving you time and money. Score!) You can also see exclusive sales and review recipes to try. Â
Super Pro Tip! Come armed with your ear buds and listen to some upbeat music. This will help you shop at a brisker pace to get your shopping done in no time. Make the aisle your runway, no wasted time here!