5 of the Most Popular Healthy Snacks for Kids . . .

Reviewed & Rated✅

Getting your kid to eat healthy is, well, ahem, "challenging" to say the least! On top of picky ickies, you want to make sure what goes in their mouth is good for them. Easier said than done, amiright?!

When kids are young, flavor reigns as the true boss in the house, but you want to make sure that what goes in their little mouths is healthy for them.

Without guidance, kids would happily eat mac n’ cheese and pudding all day long. Mix the disdain for healthy eating with a picky eater or very opinionated personality and you have a tug-of-war on your hands.

Getting kids to eat healthily is easier said than done, but it can be achieved with the help of flavorful snacks that get them excited about snack time and keep them entertained with fun textures. Flavor and texture play such a big role in a kid’s experience of taste that it’s almost impossible to keep them away from junk food.

To help with this ever-present battle that parents struggle with on a regular basis, the team at Youtopia Snacks has put together a guide on how to get your kids to care about healthy eating, providing healthy and convenient snack options. With the right choices of alternative snacks, you can provide healthy snacks for kids to enjoy, taking pride in the lack of junk food in your home.

In case you are still wondering which snacks you should buy for the littles, we have also included our top five favorite snacks that keep kids entertained and make snack time easier for everyone involved.

These snacks pack a flavorful punch in perfect, portion-controlled packs that are sure to satisfy a kid’s cravings while teaching them about healthy eating habits and helping them understand that healthy eating doesn’t have to be boring, bettering their relationship with food for the future. These snacks are so good that you’ll start buying them for yourself, too!

What Should You Keep in Mind When Picking Out Healthy Snacks for Kids?

Picking out healthy snacks for kids can be a daunting challenge, especially at the beginning of the school year when you have had the whole summer to cook lunches at home that everyone can eat right away, rather than hoping that it will stay fresh in their lunchbox throughout half the day.

Below are several key things that you should keep in mind when picking out healthy snacks for kids, and what you can do to help them make their own healthy choices in the future:

Flavor is a Must-Have

Flavor is king in a child’s mind. They might not have the refined tastes you do as an adult, but everything is new and exciting to them. Depending on the kid, they might be more sensitive to “gross-tasting” healthy snack foods, which tend to have a different texture or slightly different taste than their junk food alternatives. This is especially true for kids who have a taste for junk food and are learning to cope with the household change towards healthier foods.  

Help Them Feel in Control

An important part of packing your child’s lunches is keeping them involved in the process so they can learn from your example. Help them feel in control of their dietary choices by presenting several healthy snacks to them and asking them which ones they would like to have in their lunch boxes.

Since they are choosing from a set of snacks you present, rather than letting their imagination run wild, they will be more likely to choose the one they are really interested in. This will help them feel less opposed to healthy eating as they get older as well, as they are enabled to make their own healthy and responsible choices.  

Don’t Sacrifice Texture

While the flavor is the most important factor in choosing a snack, texture also plays a critical role in how likely kids are to enjoy a snack.

Keep in mind that the texture you enjoy might not be the texture they enjoy. You may enjoy crunchy snacks, like a nutty candy bar, while they might prefer softer, goopier snacks like apple sauce. Kids’ experience of taste and texture are very different from our own, but if you know what your child generally enjoys, you can find healthy snacks to keep them satisfied.

Keep up the Variety

If they open their lunch to find the same old flavors several days in a row, your kids are more likely to start trading lunches with the other kids at school. Once that happens, you have no more control over what they eat during the day.

Most kids love variety and would prefer to change up even one element of their school lunches every day or every other day. This change does not have to be drastic – in fact, it can be as simple as swapping a package of honey mustard Youtopia Snacks with a package of Bananas for Chocolate. The different flavors will appeal to their exploratory senses.

If you’re not sure if this is the right move for your kid, ask them. Their choices should be limited to healthy snacks on hand and can be as simple as asking if they want a different lunch, or if they want the same lunch they had before.

Add a Healthy Treat

Never be afraid to add a tasty treat in their lunchbox. The fear of food is never conducive to a healthy relationship with food but knowing how to responsibly make choices and how to satisfy cravings in healthier ways will help set an example.

This means that you can pack something small and sweet without going overboard, and it is always wise to try healthy alternatives to their favorite junk foods. Whether it’s a juice drink or a chocolate square, your kids are sure to enjoy the treat – and yes, that means you can pack a small treat for yourself, too!

Follow Your Example

You are setting an example by packing your kids’ lunch with healthy snack foods, but they need to see you eating healthier as well. If your kids are around when you pack lunches for the day, try asking them what you should have for your lunch. If they tell you to pack junky snacks, you can refuse gently by telling them it hurts your tummy, or that you want something that will keep you full.

This is a fun way to keep them involved, make them feel like their voice matters, and, as a bonus, it keeps you accountable for eating healthier.

What are Healthy Snacks for School?

It is time for the kids to go back to school, which means it is time for you to start packing lunches again. Where did their lunchboxes even disappear to? :)

Once you find their lunchboxes in the attic and clean the crayon markings out of it, you might find yourself wondering what you can add that isn’t packed full of sugar.

Packing for school is significantly different from packing a lunch for work. At school, there is no breakroom to grab a cup of coffee and microwave your bowl of oatmeal, which means any food you pack needs to be ready to eat several hours into the day. On top of that, kids get bored easily with the same flavors, so you will need to pack a variety of foods for them to enjoy.

Lunches should be packed with healthy snacks for kids that do not require refrigeration. Since they will not get a chance to eat until later in the school day, you want to make sure their snacks stay appetizing.

The easiest way to do that is to provide a mix of pre-packaged healthy snacks for kids, as well as some whole foods that do not require a lot of preparation. Don’t be afraid to pack a surprise treat as well but keep it on the healthy side; a pack of organic gummy bears or trail mix with high-quality chocolate bites are a favorite for many kids.

It can be tiring to always decide what flavors to pack for the day, especially if you are also packing your own lunch. If you are not sure what flavors to pack, try asking your child by presenting a couple of healthy options and giving them the choice to make their own decision. This will help them feel involved in the process, and like they have more control over their diet.

Ways You Can Get Creative with Healthy Snacks for Kids

Kids have an active imagination and love to play with their food. While it might be rude at formal meals, it is an important part of their development to be creative and enjoy their food in every way they can. For many kids, imagination runs wild and suddenly their hard-boiled egg becomes a mouse running away from carrot cats, or other silly scenarios.

To help encourage this playful learning, you can get a little crafty and creative with their lunchbox snacks as well, while sneaking in a couple of healthier foods.

Cut veggies into fun shapes and make fun animals out of their whole foods – for example, two carrot rounds inserted near the top of an egg can make a cute mouse – or for sandwiches, simply using fun-shaped cookie cutters can make all the difference between a fun lunch and a chore.

Our Favorite Snacks to Make Snack Time Easier:

Snack time can be daunting, but parents, the team at Youtopia Snacks has your back. With years of experience as snack-time experts, full-time parents, and lunch-packing aficionados, we’ve seen it all – at least, that’s what we’d like to think.

We believe in you and your lunch-packing abilities! Below is a list of our top 5 favorite snacks that make snack time a breeze.

Youtopia has become a parent's favorite go-to snack for even the pickiest kiddos! At just 130 calories per pack, these healthy kids snacks are high in protein and fiber while also keeping sugar low. And with 3 mouth-watering flavors (bananas/chocolate, honey mustard, and coffee), you're guaranteed to find a winner your kid loves!



“My kids are the pickiest of eaters and they ask for these all the time now. Even my husband, who abhors ‘healthy’ food, loved them! All the flavors are absolutely delicious!"



130 Calories | 8-9g Protein | 2-6g Sugar | 3-4g Fiber



Non-GMO, gluten-free, all natural ingredients with no funky additives



“I actually initially bought these for myself, but since my kids kept eating them I now get two boxes at a time… and have to hide my box from the kiddos! 😊"



Clif's ZBar is a popular favorite among kids and parents alike. While most flavors gets plenty delicious praise, a handful have missed the mark (noteably the "Banana Chocolate Chip" flavor). The nutrition is also something to keep and close eye on, with 10-11g of Sugar per bar and just 2g of Protein and 2g of Fiber, the macros here are flipped vs. what we normally would call a "healthy" snack.



“Our family loves Zbars. We also love banana chocolate chip bread. So when I saw there was a new flavor, of course we had to try it! Gross is unfortunately the best word to describe this flavor. The banana has a very off fake flavor and it overpowers the whole bar. No one in our family would try a second one, but we LOVE all the other flavors and will continue ordering those!"



130-140 Calories | 2g Protein | 10-11g Sugar | 2-3g Fiber



Certified Organic



“My kid really likes the brownie and the chocolate chip flavors, and I feel good feeding them to her with the organic ingredients. She's a very picky eater and loves them."



MySuperCookies have become a crowd pleaser! While a handful of customers have complained of the cookies being "chalky" or "grainy," those comments seem to be the exception, not the rule. However, similar to Zbars, the nutrition here is a bit high in sugar and lacking in protein, with 6-8g of Sugar per pack and just 2g of Protein and 2g of Fiber. For what's perceived as a "healthy" snack we'd love less sugar and more protein and fiber.



“All three of our children love these! Obviously they are not going to taste like an unhealthy processed cookie, and it’s hard to explain the taste. The honey ones taste similar to a teddy graham, but are larger and have more crunch to them. You can tell they are organic and don't contain additives or processed chemicals, if that makes sense. If you are used to super sweet, processed, unhealthy snacks...then these will definitely taste different than what you are use to. I don’t think they deserve a “gross” or “nasty” review... they’re really not that bad, so I don’t understand why some people say they’re so gross. My girls are extremely picky and they love these."



120 Calories | 2g Protein | 6-8g Sugar | 2g Fiber



Certified Organic and nut free, but contains gluten



“My family loves these cookies. They are organic and whole grain with low sugar. Our favorites are the Honey and Chocolate Heroes. If you care what your children eat, this is an excellent product with 6-8 grams of sugar in one pouch. This turns out to be 1 1/3-2 teaspoons of sugar in the whole pouch.and two grams of fiber. Today's cookies and snacks are loaded with sugar - bad for teeth and bad for our kids. I would recommend this product for families and adults who are looking to low carb and want a reasonable well made treat.."



Annie's has become a household name, and for good reason... they make healthier versions of classics like Cheez-its, Goldfish, and Graham Crackers! As with many "healthier" versions of snacks, some customers love em, some not so much. It's also worth mentioning to take a peak at the nutrition, which is largely carbohydrates with only 2-3g of Protein per pack. Nonetheless, these are a great healthier alternative to some kiddo classics!



“A good mix of salty and sweet packs that doesn't seem as salty as other cheesy snacks - certainly taste like a 'healthy' version of the classics. Says it is organic so hopefully it is better for the kids. Tastes good and the kids like them as well. I end up sneaking a few packs myself as they are tasty. I just wish the packs were a bit bigger... seem like something you might get at a dollar store."



100-130 Calories | 2-3g Protein | 0-7g Sugar | 0-1g Fiber



Certified Organic but contains gluten



“The overall flavor and taste of the cookies were great, however, unfortunately some of the packs were just crumbs when they arrived. They're also quite small, like the kind you would give out on Halloween. This is something to keep in mind if it's your child’s only snack, they might require more calories to sustain themselves until the next meal."



RXBAR got its start in crossfit gyms, but has since expanded its product lineup to include a version for kids. These kid-sized bars are a fan-favorite among some, while others are a little dissapointed in the recently-changed recipe. Nutritionally, they have 5g of Protein and 10g of Sugar, which isn't bad per se, just something to keep in mind :)



“I have 3 kids, and all of them love the taste. Compared to the previous RX Kids bars, these are much easier to eat and a lot less messy. I know some of our friends' kids don’t care for the taste/texture of the new recipe, but our kids now chose these over Zbar and they are SO much better for you and keep them fuller a lot longer."



130-140 Calories | 5g Protein | 10g Sugar | 2g Fiber



Non-GMO and gluten free



“Really pleased with the taste and texture of this product - my nephews have been loving them, and I keep finding myself sneaking a few as well. Strawberry and chocolate chip are the two favorites. I know some people complain about the after taste, but we love them"




Youtopia's irresistible flavors, spot-on nutrition, and unsurpassed versatility (beloved by parents and kids alike) make it our winner! You can try some today at a 10% discount below!